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BBSAI Operating Calendar


1-Jan-24 Operating Year and Fiscal Year begin.
15-Jan-24 January Newsletter Blog posting/emailing date. Include results of annual board members election.
15-Apr-24 April Newsletter Blog posting/emailing date. Include membership reminder announcement.
1-May-24 Deadline for President to appoint Nominating Committee, consisting of at least 3 active members, to prepare nominees for Directors.
15-May-24 Membership renewal letter and form sent by U.S. mail
30-Jun-24 Membership Year ends. Membership dues for renewal are due.
1-Jul-24 Membership Year begins.
8-Jul-24 Email membership renewal reminders to everyone who has not yet renewed. Attach fillable PDF form.
15-Jul-24 July Newsletter Blog posting/emailing date. Include announcement that this will be last newsletter sent to people who have not renewed.
31-Jul-24 Remove non-renewing members from the BBSAI membership list.
15-Aug-24 File Annual Report with MO Secretary of State at
14-Sep-24 Deadline for Nominating Committee to submit Director nominations to President (60 days prior to the annual meeting).
14-Sep-24 Deadline for Director nominations by petition (by at least 3 members, at least 60 days prior to the annual meeting).
4-Oct-24 Deadline for members to submit their agenda topic(s) to secretary in order for topic to be included in notice of Annual Meeting (at least 10 days prior to mailing).
14-Oct-24 Deadline for Notice of Annual Meeting (must be mailed between 60 and 30 days prior to Annual Meeting).
15-Oct-24 October Newsletter Blog posting/emailing date
29-Oct-24 Deadline for members wishing to attend Annual Meeting to contact secretary in order to receive dial-in or login instructions and the meeting agenda (at least 10 days prior to meeting).
3-Nov-24 Deadline for members to submit topic(s) to secretary in order for topic to be included on Annual Meeting agenda (at least 10 days prior to meeting).
13-Nov-24 Annual Membership Meeting (required date is second Wednesday in November).
12-Dec-24 Deadline for Annual Meeting Ballot to be mailed to each active member (within 30 days following annual meeting).
31-Dec-24 Operating Year and Fiscal Year end.