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Progeny of 5OF03174992BB Five Oaks Hera  
Records 1 - 10 of 10 records found matching your criteria: Dam ID # = 4992
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Links Picture Reg # Breed Farm Tag Name Sex DOB Status Num in Birth Sire Reg # Sire Name Breeder Owner
5OF03185390BB BB 156 Five Oaks Hermione E 3/14/2018 Active Twin BWF04122609BB Bellwether Zeke Ryan Watts Mark Boston
5OF04196142BB BB y09/s244 Five Oaks Heron E 4/9/2019 Active Triplet BWF08122876BB Bellwether Valhalla Ryan Watts Ryan Watts
5OF04206356BB BB o28/s258 Five Oaks Herodite E 4/6/2020 Active Triplet BWF08122876BB Bellwether Valhalla Ryan Watts Ryan Watts
5OF04216748BB BB y92,s398 Five Oaks Heralita E 4/1/2021 Active Triplet BWF04122609BB Bellwether Zeke Ryan Watts Derek and Robin Hixson
5OF04216749BB BB y91,s400 Five Oaks Hershie E 4/1/2021 Active Triplet BWF04122609BB Bellwether Zeke Ryan Watts Ryan Watts
5OF04227178BB BB w222/s479 Five Oaks Heradera E 4/11/2022 Active Twin BWF04122609BB Bellwether Zeke Ryan Watts Ryan Watts
5OF04227399BB BB s478 Five Oaks Zenith R 4/11/2022 Active Twin BWF04122609BB Bellwether Zeke Ryan Watts Ryan Watts
5OF04237597BB BB R42/599 Five Oaks Herazell E 4/12/2023 Active Triplet 5OF04227361BB Five Oaks Zebidee Ryan Watts Ryan Watts
5OF04237598BB BB R43/600 Five Oaks Herapell E 4/12/2023 Active Triplet 5OF04227361BB Five Oaks Zebidee Ryan Watts Ryan Watts
5OF04237599BB BB R44/601 Five Oaks Herakell E 4/12/2023 Active Triplet 5OF04227361BB Five Oaks Zebidee Ryan Watts Ryan Watts