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Progeny of HAM03091689BB Lazy Lamb Fiona  
Records 1 - 10 of 10 records found matching your criteria: Dam ID # = 1689
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Links Picture Reg # Breed Farm Tag Name Sex DOB Status Num in Birth Sire Reg # Sire Name Breeder Owner
BWF03131570BB BB 0495 Bellwether Israel R 3/16/2013 Active Twin BWF01101953BB Bellwether Pastor Mary Swindell Mary Swindell
BWF03101966BB BB 0310351 Bellwether Nikki E 3/13/2010 Active Single SSF08081584BB Sunny Slope Vincenzo Mary Swindell Lita Hazlett
BWF05112319BB BB 0413 Bellwether Lilybelle E 5/5/2011 Active Twin HAM03091686BB Lazy Lamb Revelry Mary Swindell Matt Rales
BWF05112320BB BB 0414 Bellwether Melinda E 5/5/2011 Active Twin HAM03091686BB Lazy Lamb Revelry Mary Swindell Mary Swindell
BWF02122497BB BB 0455 Bellwether Gilda E 2/29/2012 Deceased Twin SSF08081584BB Sunny Slope Vincenzo Mary Swindell Julie Kinsel
  BWF02122498BB BB 0456 Bellwether Patrick R 2/29/2012 Active Twin SSF08081584BB Sunny Slope Vincenzo Mary Swindell Mary Swindell
SPR04143991BB BB 1005 Springwood Arrow E 4/2/2014 Sold Twin KAS01122686BB Knoll Acres Wilbur Will Hueston and Pam Hand Will Hueston and Pam Hand
SPR04143993BB BB 5002 Springwood Archer R 4/2/2014 Active Twin KAS01122686BB Knoll Acres Wilbur Will Hueston and Pam Hand Bobby and Lisa Martin
SPR04154001BB BB 1014 Springwood Bingo E 4/8/2015 Active Twin SSF08081584BB Sunny Slope Vincenzo Will Hueston and Pam Hand Sundi Prechtl
SPR04154002BB BB 5009 Springwood Buzzer R 4/8/2015 Deceased Twin SSF08081584BB Sunny Slope Vincenzo Will Hueston and Pam Hand Will Hueston and Pam Hand