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Progeny of LAN04081544BB Lone Star Bequias  
Records 1 - 15 of 15 records found matching your criteria: Dam ID # = 1544
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Links Picture Reg # Breed Farm Tag Name Sex DOB Status Num in Birth Sire Reg # Sire Name Breeder Owner
BWF04112296BB BB 0385 Bellwether Darling E 4/22/2011 Active Twin HAM03091686BB Lazy Lamb Revelry Mary Swindell Matt Rales
BWF03122501BB BB 0459 Bellwether Honeydew E 3/5/2012 Deceased Twin SSF08081584BB Sunny Slope Vincenzo Mary Swindell Julie Kinsel
BWF03133217BB BB 0499 Bellwether Vivian E 3/19/2013 Active Twin BWF01101953BB Bellwether Pastor Mary Swindell Blaine Gillis
SPR03143989BB BB 1003 Springwood Aria E 3/31/2014 Deceased Triplet SSF08081584BB Sunny Slope Vincenzo Will Hueston and Pam Hand Philip Quebe
SPR03143990BB BB 1004 Springwood Acappella E 3/31/2014 Active Triplet SSF08081584BB Sunny Slope Vincenzo Will Hueston and Pam Hand Bobby and Lisa Martin
SPR04154003BB BB 1015 Springwood Baton E 4/9/2015 Active Triplet SSF08081584BB Sunny Slope Vincenzo Will Hueston and Pam Hand Bruce Ruscio
SPR04154004BB BB 1016 Springwood Ballad E 4/9/2015 Active Triplet SSF08081584BB Sunny Slope Vincenzo Will Hueston and Pam Hand Bobby and Lisa Martin
SPR04154005BB BB 1017 Springwood Baroque E 4/9/2015 Sold Triplet SSF08081584BB Sunny Slope Vincenzo Will Hueston and Pam Hand Will Hueston and Pam Hand
SPR04164769BB BB 1025 Springwood Cello E 4/4/2016 Deceased Triplet SSF09144144BB Sunny Slope Riker Will Hueston and Pam Hand Will Hueston and Pam Hand
BWF03101967BB BB 0310352 Bellwether Viceroy R 3/16/2010 Active Twin SSF08081584BB Sunny Slope Vincenzo Mary Swindell Mary Swindell
BWF03101968BB BB 0310353 Bellwether Wilbur R 3/16/2010 Active Twin SSF08081584BB Sunny Slope Vincenzo Mary Swindell Mary Swindell
BWF04112295BB BB 0384 Bellwether Kent R 4/22/2011 Active Twin HAM03091686BB Lazy Lamb Revelry Mary Swindell Charlie Munford
  BWF03122502BB BB 0460 Bellwether Sampson R 3/5/2012 Active Twin SSF08081584BB Sunny Slope Vincenzo Mary Swindell Mary Swindell
BWF03133382BB BB 500 Bellwether Pendragon R 3/19/2013 Active unknown BWF01101953BB Bellwether Pastor Mary Swindell Terry Cole
SPR04164770BB BB 5018 Springwood Cadence R 4/4/2016 Active Triplet SSF09144144BB Sunny Slope Riker Will Hueston and Pam Hand Philip Quebe