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Progeny of BWF04122609BB Bellwether Zeke  
Records 1 - 76 of 76 records found matching your criteria: Sire ID # = 2609
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Links Picture Reg # Breed Farm Tag Name Sex DOB Status Num in Birth Dam Reg # Dam Name Breeder Owner
5OF04143740BB BB S-066 Five Oaks Casey R 4/7/2014 Active   BWF03091710BB Bellwether Bethany Ryan Watts Ryan Watts
5OF03143739BB BB S-069 Five Oaks Aaron R 3/11/2014 Active   BWF11071304BB Bellwether Dolly Ryan Watts Jeff Terpstra
5OF03174989BB BB 130/S197 Five Oaks Bessie E 3/5/2017 Active Single BWF03091710BB Bellwether Bethany Ryan Watts Ryan Watts
5OF03216742BB BB y96/s383 Five Oaks Karly E 3/31/2021 Active Single BWF04081401BB Bellwether Kara Ryan Watts James and Steven Edwards
5OF04216764BB BB w110,s350 Five Oaks Yippity E 4/13/2021 Active Single 5OF04206355BB Five Oaks Yippee Ryan Watts James and Steven Edwards
5OF04206254BB BB S293 Five Oaks Ranger R 4/14/2020 Active Single 5OF04196142BB Five Oaks Heron Ryan Watts John Sutton
5OF04227212BB BB o241/s499 Five Oaks Cleopatra E 4/24/2022 Active Single 5OF04216746BB Five Oaks Vixie Ryan Watts Ryan Watts
5OF04227210BB BB w117/s427 Five Oaks Mazel E 4/4/2022 Active Single 5OF04206364BB Five Oaks Hazel Ryan Watts Ryan Watts
5OF03143602BB BB O-40 / S-85 Five Oaks Zap E 3/25/2014 Active Single BWF09122879BB Bellwether Molly Ryan Watts Ryan Watts
5OF04216768BB BB o77,s340 Five Oaks Hazie E 4/12/2021 Active Single 5OF04206364BB Five Oaks Hazel Ryan Watts Ryan Watts
  5OF03154176BB BB S-118 Five Oaks Zach R 3/12/2015 Active Single BWF11071304BB Bellwether Dolly Ryan Watts Ryan Watts
5OF03227172BB BB s420 Five Oaks Beauregard R 3/31/2022 Active Single BWF02122489BB Bellwether Begonia Ryan Watts Ryan Watts
5OF03227196BB BB w116/s419 Five Oaks Charzella E 3/31/2022 Active Single 5OF04206336BB Five Oaks Charzie Ryan Watts Ryan Watts
5OF04216748BB BB y92,s398 Five Oaks Heralita E 4/1/2021 Active Triplet 5OF03174992BB Five Oaks Hera Ryan Watts Derek and Robin Hixson
5OF04227174BB BB y208,s447 Five Oaks Trippy E 4/8/2022 Active Triplet 5OF02164615BB Five Oaks Trinity Ryan Watts Ryan Watts
5OF04227173BB BB y207,s445 Five Oaks Tricky E 4/8/2022 Active Triplet 5OF02164615BB Five Oaks Trinity Ryan Watts Ryan Watts
5OF02164609BB BB 0-85 Five Oaks Vera E 2/28/2016 Active Triplet BWF03091704BB Bellwether Urika Ryan Watts Ryan Watts
5OF04227165BB BB s439 Five Oaks Benning R 4/6/2022 Active Triplet 5OF03196140BB Five Oaks Vivia Ryan Watts Ryan Watts
5OF04216749BB BB y91,s400 Five Oaks Hershie E 4/1/2021 Active Triplet 5OF03174992BB Five Oaks Hera Ryan Watts Ryan Watts
5OF04216757BB BB o71,s315 Five Oaks Crane E 4/8/2021 Active Triplet 5OF04196142BB Five Oaks Heron Ryan Watts James and Steven Edwards
5OF03196137BB BB y139,s206 Five Oaks Padrona E 3/31/2019 Active Triplet BWF02122489BB Bellwether Begonia Ryan Watts Ryan Watts
5OF03153971BB BB 108 Five Oaks Burley R 3/2/2015 Deceased Triplet BWF11071305BB Bellwether Emily Ryan Watts Julie Kinsel
5OF03143742BB BB 054 Five Oaks Boris R 3/28/2014 Active Triplet BWF02122489BB Bellwether Begonia Ryan Watts Ryan Watts
5OF04227194BB BB y210/s437 Five Oaks Vivalina E 4/6/2022 Active Triplet 5OF03196140BB Five Oaks Vivia Ryan Watts Ryan Watts
5OF03143610BB BB O-37 / S-86 Five Oaks Vixen E 3/19/2014 Active Triplet BWF03091704BB Bellwether Urika Ryan Watts Ryan Watts
5OF04143606BB BB O-65 / S-88 Five Oaks Zip E 4/7/2014 Active Triplet BWF03091710BB Bellwether Bethany Ryan Watts Ryan Watts
5OF04143605BB BB O-64 / S-97 Five Oaks Zena E 4/1/2014 Active Triplet BWF11071305BB Bellwether Emily Ryan Watts Ryan Watts
5OF04143604BB BB O-63 / S-94 Five Oaks Zia E 4/1/2014 Active Triplet BWF11071305BB Bellwether Emily Ryan Watts Ryan Watts
5OF03196138BB BB y140/s207 Five Oaks Bugzy E 3/31/2019 Active Triplet BWF02122489BB Bellwether Begonia Ryan Watts Ryan Watts
5OF04227361BB BB s446 Five Oaks Zebidee R 4/4/2022 Active Triplet 5OF02164615BB Five Oaks Trinity Ryan Watts Ryan Watts
5OF04216744BB BB o62,s357 Five Oaks Tracy E 4/14/2021 Active Twin 5OF02164615BB Five Oaks Trinity Ryan Watts Ryan Watts
5OF04216745BB BB o63,s358 Five Oaks Trycie E 4/14/2021 Active Twin 5OF02164615BB Five Oaks Trinity Ryan Watts Derek and Robin Hixson
5OF04206354BB BB o26/s280 Five Oaks Emira E 4/8/2020 Active Twin BWF11071305BB Bellwether Emily Ryan Watts Ryan Watts
5OF03185391BB BB 157 Five Oaks Ululani E 3/13/2018 Active Twin BWF03091704BB Bellwether Urika Ryan Watts Ryan Watts
5OF04206351BB BB y13/s263 Five Oaks Delphie E 4/10/2020 Active Twin 5OF03133279BB Five Oaks Delilah Ryan Watts Kerry Rapelje
5OF04216754BB BB y88,s331 Five Oaks Padmia E 4/10/2021 Active Twin 5OF04196134BB Five Oaks Padrita Ryan Watts Derek and Robin Hixson
5OF04216755BB BB y89,s332 Five Oaks Padyna E 4/10/2021 Active Twin 5OF04196134BB Five Oaks Padrita Ryan Watts Ryan Watts
5OF04216883BB BB s318 Five Oaks Zeuss R 4/3/2021 Active Twin BWF03091697BB Bellwether Nellie Ryan Watts Ryan Watts
5OF04227178BB BB w222/s479 Five Oaks Heradera E 4/11/2022 Active Twin 5OF03174992BB Five Oaks Hera Ryan Watts Ryan Watts
5OF04227187BB BB y202/s433 Five Oaks Dritta E 4/1/2022 Active Twin 5OF04196134BB Five Oaks Padrita Ryan Watts Ryan Watts
5OF04227188BB BB y203/s434 Five Oaks Drittie E 4/1/2022 Active Twin 5OF04196134BB Five Oaks Padrita Ryan Watts Ryan Watts
5OF04227202BB BB w224/s482 Five Oaks Yipyip E 4/15/2022 Active Twin 5OF04206355BB Five Oaks Yippee Ryan Watts Ryan Watts
5OF04227213BB BB w225/s483 Five Oaks Yipper E 4/15/2022 Active Twin 5OF04206355BB Five Oaks Yippee Ryan Watts Ryan Watts
5OF04227399BB BB s478 Five Oaks Zenith R 4/11/2022 Active Twin 5OF03174992BB Five Oaks Hera Ryan Watts Ryan Watts
5OF03227400BB BB s405 Five Oaks Zebulon R 3/29/2022 Active Twin 5OF04196142BB Five Oaks Heron Ryan Watts Ryan Watts
5OF04227401BB BB s471 Five Oaks Zachary R 4/10/2022 Active Twin 5OF04206365BB Five Oaks Harper Ryan Watts Ryan Watts
5OF04206341BB BB o24/s261 Five Oaks Bethie E 4/8/2020 Active Twin BWF03091710BB Bellwether Bethany Ryan Watts Ryan Watts
5OF03143599BB BB O-62 / S-92 Five Oaks Zanu E 3/24/2014 Active Twin BWF03091712BB Bellwether Delta Dawn Ryan Watts Ryan Watts
5OF03143600BB BB O-33 / S-96 Five Oaks Zoe E 3/11/2014 Active Twin BWF03091712BB Bellwether Delta Dawn Ryan Watts Ryan Watts
5OF03143601BB BB O-35 / S-95 Five Oaks Zoru E 3/17/2014 Active Twin BWF11071304BB Bellwether Dolly Ryan Watts Ryan Watts
5OF03143603BB BB O-40 / S-85 Five Oaks Zoom E 3/28/2014 Active Twin BWF04122603BB Bellwether Lolita Ryan Watts Ryan Watts
5OF03143611BB BB O-39 / S-89 Five Oaks Sierra E 3/27/2014 Active Twin BWF08122877BB Bellwether Valkyrie II Ryan Watts Ryan Watts
5OF03143621BB BB 539 Five Oaks Minimis R 3/20/2014 Active Twin BWF03091697BB Bellwether Nellie Ryan Watts Leslie Smay
5OF03154066BB BB 71/ 0124 Five Oaks Zeva E 3/5/2015 Active Twin BWF03091697BB Bellwether Nellie Ryan Watts Ryan Watts
5OF03154067BB BB 72/ 0130 Five Oaks Zola E 3/5/2015 Active Twin BWF03091697BB Bellwether Nellie Ryan Watts Ryan Watts
5OF03154068BB BB 68/ 0128 Five Oaks Zavia E 3/1/2015 Active Twin BWF03091710BB Bellwether Bethany Ryan Watts Ryan Watts
5OF03154069BB BB 69/ 0129 Five Oaks Zella E 3/1/2015 Active Twin BWF03091710BB Bellwether Bethany Ryan Watts Jeffrey Pitts
5OF03164608BB BB 0-92 Five Oaks Levira E 3/7/2016 Active Twin BWF08122877BB Bellwether Valkyrie II Ryan Watts Ryan Watts
5OF03164616BB BB 0-89 Five Oaks Caitlin E 3/4/2016 Active Twin BWF11071304BB Bellwether Dolly Ryan Watts Ryan Watts
5OF02164620BB BB 0-79 Five Oaks Cady E 2/25/2016 Active Twin SSF05143836BB Sunny Slope Vega Ryan Watts Ryan Watts
5OF04206342BB BB o25/s262 Five Oaks Betsy E 4/8/2020 Active Twin BWF03091710BB Bellwether Bethany Ryan Watts Ryan Watts
5OF04206338BB BB y11/s273 Five Oaks Karie E 4/6/2020 Active Twin BWF04081401BB Bellwether Kara Ryan Watts Kerry Rapelje
5OF03185392BB BB 158 Five Oaks Uma E 3/13/2018 Active Twin BWF03091704BB Bellwether Urika Ryan Watts Ryan Watts
5OF03185390BB BB 156 Five Oaks Hermione E 3/14/2018 Active Twin 5OF03174992BB Five Oaks Hera Ryan Watts Mark Boston
5OF03185389BB BB 155 Five Oaks Emilia E 3/11/2018 Active Twin BWF11071305BB Bellwether Emily Ryan Watts Mark Boston
5OF03185388BB BB 154 Five Oaks Emma E 3/11/2018 Active Twin BWF11071305BB Bellwether Emily Ryan Watts Mark Boston
5OF03185383BB BB 147 Five Oaks Raymona E 3/2/2018 Active Twin 5OF03154063BB Five Oaks Brunhilde Ryan Watts Ryan Watts
5OF03174990BB BB 142/S198 Five Oaks Nessie E 3/8/2017 Active Twin BWF03091697BB Bellwether Nellie Ryan Watts Ryan Watts
5OF03174983BB BB 099/S191 Five Oaks Vanessa E 3/1/2017 Active Twin BWF03091704BB Bellwether Urika Ryan Watts Ryan Watts
5OF03174982BB BB 098/S190 Five Oaks Xena E 3/1/2017 Active Twin BWF03091704BB Bellwether Urika Ryan Watts Ryan Watts
5OF03164619BB BB 0-90 Five Oaks Callie E 3/4/2016 Active Twin BWF11071304BB Bellwether Dolly Ryan Watts Ryan Watts
5OF03133273BB BB 028 Five Oaks Zita E 3/5/2013 Active unknown BWF03091710BB Bellwether Bethany Ryan Watts Ryan Watts
5OF05133278BB BB 032 Five Oaks Ursula E 5/10/2013 Active unknown BWF03091704BB Bellwether Urika Ryan Watts Ryan Watts
5OF04133277BB BB 029 Five Oaks Zada E 4/29/2013 Active unknown BWF11071304BB Bellwether Dolly Ryan Watts Ryan Watts
5OF05133276BB BB 031 Five Oaks Zulu E 5/6/2013 Active unknown BWF04122603BB Bellwether Lolita Ryan Watts Ryan Watts
5OF05133275BB BB 030 Five Oaks Zara E 5/2/2013 Active unknown BWF03091697BB Bellwether Nellie Ryan Watts Ryan Watts