This February 2023 Blog is by John Carlton who is a great addition to the Board. Thanks John!
- AB Open Registration. As reported in the July 2022 BBSAI Blog, the American Blackbelly (AB) Book of Registry will be reopened to allow for qualifying animals to become registered. The process will be open to BBSAI members in good standing and candidate AB sheep who are currently not registered but meet all current AB BBSAI breed standards (at the level of Ideal and/or Acceptable). The candidate sheep must have one registered parent and undergo progeny testing, using a registered mate, with all offspring meeting the AB breed standards. The BBSAI Board established the American Blackbelly Open Registration Committee (ABORC) to oversee the process and evaluate all applications.
Currently the BBSAI webmaster is continuing work on the electronic forms and databases necessary to facilitate the on-line process. Once completed and tested by the ABORC, the process will go “live” with a notice published on the website and posted in the Blog. Stay Tuned!
If you have questions or comments, please feel free to contact John Carlton at
- The By-Laws require that balloting results be made available to the membership promptly (Article V.G.2). The ballots have been tallied and your 2023 BBSAI Board of Directors are: Bridgett Leslie, President; Jacqueline (Jacque) Tinker, Vice-President; Sandy Hession, Membership Secretary; Constance (Bru) Katzenbach, Recording Secretary; Pam Hand, Treasurer; Elaine Haas, At-Large. Elaine Haas will also continue as the BBSAI Registrar. Currently, Ex Officio Board members are Becky Lannon and John Carlton. Their contact information is listed on the website. Please stay in touch with us so that we can better assist you
- Notable Retirement. Everyone may have noticed that Eileen Patton, immediate past-president of the BBSAI Board, was not on the recent ballot. Eileen retired from shepherding, both her personal flock and the BBSAI, and moved on to greener pastures. The Board is giving her a small memento thanking her for her numerous years of participation, service and leadership.
- Reward: Two free Certificates of Registry from the BBSAI for every article that you send which gets posted on the Blog. Rewards are good for up to one full year from the date that your article is published and will be reimbursed by a check mailed to you from the Treasurer after you register your animals. The subject matter in the article must be about your experiences with American Blackbelly and/or Barbados Blackbelly Sheep, or knowledge pertaining to the sheep you feel would be helpful to other breeders, and be between 400 and 600 words in length. We will not accept articles from previously published sources without written permission from the copyright holder. The President and Editor will have final approval of each article submitted. Send your submissions to Pam at, and THANKS!