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Progeny of RE712112589BB RE7 Nimrod  
Records 1 - 20 of 20 records found matching your criteria: Sire ID # = 2589
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Links Picture Reg # Breed Farm Tag Name Sex DOB Status Num in Birth Dam Reg # Dam Name Breeder Owner
RJG03143502BB BB BCF010 Bush Creek Tia Dalmo E 3/21/2014 Active Twin HAM03091687BB Lazy Lamb Ruby Rita Guill Victoria Parrish
RJG03143503BB BB BCF011 Bush Creek Calypso E 3/21/2014 Active Twin HAM03091687BB Lazy Lamb Ruby Rita Guill Rita Guill
RJG03143504BB BB BCF012 Bush Creek Elizabeth E 3/23/2014 Active Twin HAM01101919BB Lazy Lamb Rose Rita Guill Rita Guill
RJG03143505BB BB BCF013 Bush Creek Sir Drake R 3/23/2014 Active Twin HAM01101919BB Lazy Lamb Rose Rita Guill Andrew Taber
RJG04143506BB BB BCF014 Bush Creek Mary Read E 4/6/2014 Active Twin HAM12091849BB Lazy Lamb Red Robin Rita Guill F. Lester Howsden
RJG04143507BB BB BCF015 Bush Creek Ann Bonny E 4/6/2014 Deceased Twin HAM12091849BB Lazy Lamb Red Robin Rita Guill Rita Guill
BBB02154208BB BB 035 Breedlove Iris E 2/20/2015 Active Triplet HAM01101919BB Lazy Lamb Rose Eileen Patton Eileen Patton
BBB02154209BB BB 036 Breedlove Ibis E 2/20/2015 Active Triplet HAM01101919BB Lazy Lamb Rose Eileen Patton Karen Batt
BBB04154210BB BB 041 Breedlove Irene E 4/15/2015 Active Twin BBB02143485BB Breedlove Emma Eileen Patton Eileen Patton
BBB04154211BB BB 043 Breedlove Ina E 4/25/2015 Active Twin BWF03123121BB Bellwether Amanda Eileen Patton Eileen Patton
BBB04154212BB BB 042 Breedlove Ira R 4/15/2015 Active Twin BBB02143485BB Breedlove Emma Eileen Patton Eileen Patton
CHF03154239BB BB 006 Cherry Hills Hansel R 3/11/2015 Active Twin DAU08133403BB Naches Valley Mary Ann Jerry and Anne Frazier Jerry and Anne Frazier
CHF03154240BB BB 007 Cherry Hills Gretel E 3/11/2015 Active Twin DAU08133403BB Naches Valley Mary Ann Jerry and Anne Frazier Jerry and Anne Frazier
CHF02154241BB BB 004 Cherry Hills Jack R 2/27/2015 Active Twin DAU08133402BB Naches Valley Ginger Jerry and Anne Frazier Jerry and Anne Frazier
CHF02154242BB BB 008 Cherry Hills Jill E 2/27/2015 Active Twin DAU08133402BB Naches Valley Ginger Jerry and Anne Frazier Jerry and Anne Frazier
BBB02154364BB BB 033 Breedlove Ivan R 2/11/2015 Active Twin BWF0106859 Bellwether Katrina Eileen Patton Eileen Patton
BBB02154365BB BB 037 Breedlove Ione E 2/26/2015 Active Twin JEH0405947BB Critterhaven Violet Eileen Patton Karen Batt
BBB03154366BB BB 038 Breedlove Ivy E 3/13/2015 Active Twin DAU08133405BB Naches Valley Lovey Eileen Patton Fremont and Belinda Tanner
BBB04154367BB BB 040 Breedlove Ingrid E 4/14/2015 Active Single BBB02143490BB Breedlove Ginger Eileen Patton Karen Batt
BBB04154850BB BB 044 Breedlove Ima E 4/25/2015 Active Twin BWF03123121BB Bellwether Amanda Eileen Patton Fremont and Belinda Tanner