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Progeny of SSF07112826BB Sunny Slope Gordon  
Records 1 - 5 of 5 records found matching your criteria: Sire ID # = 2826
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Links Picture Reg # Breed Farm Tag Name Sex DOB Status Num in Birth Dam Reg # Dam Name Breeder Owner
SSF05165314BB BB 346 Sunny Slope Grant R 5/9/2016 Active Single SSF09143860BB Sunny Slope Calista Elaine Haas Elaine Haas
SSF05165452BB BB 327/R12 Sunny Slope Giselle E 5/1/2016 Deceased Triplet SSF04102328BB Sunny Slope Jasmine Elaine Haas Elaine Haas
SSF05165584BB BB 355/R13 Sunny Slope Glory B E 5/11/2016 Active Twin SSF09113223BB Sunny Slope Taylor Elaine Haas Elaine Haas
SSF05165587BB BB 329/R11 Sunny Slope Margo E 5/1/2016 Active Triplet SSF04102339BB Sunny Slope Margie Elaine Haas Elaine Haas
SSF05165588BB BB R23/R15 Sunny Slope Mica E 5/30/2016 Active Triplet SSF04102337BB Sunny Slope Winona Elaine Haas Katie Newell