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Progeny of BWF07133383BB Bellwether Branwen  
Records 1 - 5 of 5 records found matching your criteria: Dam ID # = 3383
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Links Picture Reg # Breed Farm Tag Name Sex DOB Status Num in Birth Sire Reg # Sire Name Breeder Owner
SSF07154295BB BB 305/0107 Sunny Slope Brenda E 7/21/2015 Active Twin SSF07112822BB Sunny Slope MacArthur Elaine Haas Gina Shaver
SSF04165438BB BB 317/S13 Sunny Slope Brandy E 4/29/2016 Active Twin BWF04133381BB Bellwether Quizno Elaine Haas Gary Pearson
SSF04165583BB BB 318/S10 Sunny Slope Brooke E 4/29/2016 Active Twin BWF04133381BB Bellwether Quizno Elaine Haas Jacqueline Tinker
SSF05196092BB BB 390 Sunny Slope Quade R 5/15/2019 Active Twin BWF04133381BB Bellwether Quizno Elaine Haas Elaine Haas
SSF05196099BB BB 391 Sunny Slope Belle E 5/15/2019 Active Twin BWF04133381BB Bellwether Quizno Elaine Haas Elaine Haas