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Progeny of SSF05143938BB Sunny Slope St. Mark  
Records 1 - 68 of 68 records found matching your criteria: Sire ID # = 3938
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Links Picture Reg # Breed Farm Tag Name Sex DOB Status Num in Birth Dam Reg # Dam Name Breeder Owner
5OF03164607BB BB 0-87 Five Oaks Dora E 3/3/2016 Active Twin 5OF03133279BB Five Oaks Delilah Ryan Watts Ryan Watts
5OF03164613BB BB S-156 Five Oaks Rufus R 3/7/2016 Active Twin 5OF03133280BB Five Oaks Charlotte Ryan Watts Ryan Watts
5OF02164615BB BB 0-78 Five Oaks Trinity E 2/23/2016 Active Triplet 5OF05133278BB Five Oaks Ursula Ryan Watts Ryan Watts
5OF03164617BB BB 0-94 Five Oaks Caliana E 3/10/2016 Active Single 5OF04143604BB Five Oaks Zia Ryan Watts Ryan Watts
5OF03164618BB BB 0-93 Five Oaks Cai E 3/10/2016 Active Twin 5OF04143604BB Five Oaks Zia Ryan Watts Ryan Watts
5OF03164622BB BB 0-88 Five Oaks Callista E 3/2/2016 Active Twin 5OF04143605BB Five Oaks Zena Ryan Watts Ryan Watts
5OF03174986BB BB 129/S196 Five Oaks Kelsie E 3/3/2017 Active Triplet BWF04081401BB Bellwether Kara Ryan Watts Ryan Watts
5OF03174988BB BB 121/S194 Five Oaks Gwyneth E 3/15/2017 Active Triplet BWF08122877BB Bellwether Valkyrie II Ryan Watts Ryan Watts
5OF03174991BB BB 124/S199 Five Oaks Dottie E 3/11/2017 Active Twin 5OF03133279BB Five Oaks Delilah Ryan Watts Ryan Watts
5OF03174992BB BB 125/S192 Five Oaks Hera E 3/12/2017 Active Triplet 5OF05133278BB Five Oaks Ursula Ryan Watts Ryan Watts
5OF02164993BB BB S140 Five Oaks Prometheus R 2/23/2016 Active Triplet 5OF05133278BB Five Oaks Ursula Ryan Watts Ryan Watts
5OF03185378BB BB 137 Five Oaks Betty E 3/2/2018 Active Twin BWF03091710BB Bellwether Bethany Ryan Watts Mark Boston
5OF03185381BB BB 145 Five Oaks Beatrice E 3/3/2018 Active Twin BWF02122489BB Bellwether Begonia Ryan Watts Mark Boston
5OF03185385BB BB 151 Five Oaks Viola E 3/7/2018 Active Triplet 5OF03143610BB Five Oaks Vixen Ryan Watts Mark Boston
5OF03185712BB BB 232 Five Oaks Boston R 3/7/2018 Active Triplet 5OF03143610BB Five Oaks Vixen Ryan Watts Ryan Watts
5OF03196131BB BB w160/s243 Five Oaks Ulita E 3/23/2019 Active Single 5OF03185391BB Five Oaks Ululani Ryan Watts Ryan Watts
5OF03196140BB BB w159/s241 Five Oaks Vivia E 3/28/2019 Active Twin 5OF03143610BB Five Oaks Vixen Ryan Watts Ryan Watts
5OF04196143BB BB y01/s209 Five Oaks Patrina E 4/1/2019 Active Single 5OF03174987BB Five Oaks Patricia Ryan Watts Ryan Watts
5OF04206252BB BB W109/S306 Five Oaks Cassie E 4/19/2020 Active Twin BWF08122877BB Bellwether Valkyrie II Ryan Watts John Sutton
5OF04206349BB BB o39/s287 Five Oaks Foxy E 4/13/2020 Active Quad 5OF03143610BB Five Oaks Vixen Ryan Watts Ryan Watts
5OF04206350BB BB o40/s288 Five Oaks Moxie E 4/10/2020 Active Quad 5OF03143610BB Five Oaks Vixen Ryan Watts Ryan Watts
5OF04206357BB BB w107/s302 Five Oaks Sheena E 4/17/2020 Active Twin 5OF03174982BB Five Oaks Xena Ryan Watts Ryan Watts
5OF04206358BB BB w106/s303 Five Oaks Padeena E 4/17/2020 Active Twin 5OF03174982BB Five Oaks Xena Ryan Watts Ryan Watts
5OF04206359BB BB o31/s281 Five Oaks Patskie E 4/12/2020 Active Triplet 5OF03174987BB Five Oaks Patricia Ryan Watts Ryan Watts
5OF04206360BB BB o32/s282 Five Oaks Patvia E 4/12/2020 Active Triplet 5OF03174987BB Five Oaks Patricia Ryan Watts Ryan Watts
5OF04206361BB BB o33/s283 Five Oaks Patagonia E 4/12/2020 Active Triplet 5OF03174987BB Five Oaks Patricia Ryan Watts Ryan Watts
5OF04206365BB BB y14/s263 Five Oaks Harper E 4/11/2020 Active Twin 5OF04196136BB Five Oaks Valkina Ryan Watts Ryan Watts
5OF04206366BB BB w108/s308 Five Oaks Pattonista E 4/21/2020 Active Single 5OF03196139BB Five Oaks Pattycakes Ryan Watts Ryan Watts
5OF04216746BB BB y86,s328 Five Oaks Vixie E 4/10/2021 Active Triplet 5OF03143610BB Five Oaks Vixen Ryan Watts Ryan Watts
5OF04216747BB BB y87,s330 Five Oaks Vixita E 4/10/2021 Active Triplet 5OF03143610BB Five Oaks Vixen Ryan Watts Ryan Watts
5OF03216750BB BB y100, s391 Five Oaks Xenie E 3/30/2021 Active Triplet 5OF03174982BB Five Oaks Xena Ryan Watts Ryan Watts
5OF03216751BB BB y95,s384 Five Oaks Patfish E 3/31/2021 Active Twin 5OF03174987BB Five Oaks Patricia Ryan Watts Ryan Watts
5OF04216881BB BB s362 Five Oaks Hawkeye R 4/2/2021 Active Triplet 5OF03154065BB Five Oaks Ariel Ryan Watts Derek and Robin Hixson
5OF03216882BB BB s386 Five Oaks Merle R 3/31/2021 Active Twin 5OF04206362BB Five Oaks Yahoo Ryan Watts Ryan Watts
5OF04227163BB BB y200/s425 Five Oaks Georgia E 4/2/2022 Active Twin 5OF04206339BB Five Oaks Raylee Ryan Watts Ryan Watts
5OF04227175BB BB w118/s465 Five Oaks Vixxo E 4/11/2022 Active Triplet 5OF03143610BB Five Oaks Vixen Ryan Watts Ryan Watts
5OF04227176BB BB w226/s487 Five Oaks Arietta E 4/15/2022 Active Triplet 5OF03154065BB Five Oaks Ariel Ryan Watts Ryan Watts
5OF04227177BB BB w227/s488 Five Oaks Ariello E 4/15/2022 Active Triplet 5OF03154065BB Five Oaks Ariel Ryan Watts Ryan Watts
5OF04227179BB BB y206/s426 Five Oaks LucyLawless E 4/3/2022 Active Twin 5OF03174982BB Five Oaks Xena Ryan Watts Ryan Watts
5OF04227180BB BB y212/s454 Five Oaks Pattywatty E 4/8/2022 Active Triplet 5OF03174987BB Five Oaks Patricia Ryan Watts Ryan Watts
5OF04227181BB BB y216/s459 Five Oaks Ulubulu E 4/9/2022 Active Triplet 5OF03185391BB Five Oaks Ululani Ryan Watts Ryan Watts
5OF04227182BB BB y217/s460 Five Oaks Ulufulu E 4/9/2022 Active Triplet 5OF03185391BB Five Oaks Ululani Ryan Watts Ryan Watts
5OF04227183BB BB y218/s461 Five Oaks Ulutulu E 4/9/2022 Active Triplet 5OF03185391BB Five Oaks Ululani Ryan Watts Ryan Watts
5OF03227185BB BB o69/s409 Five Oaks Nellby E 3/29/2022 Active Twin 5OF03196132BB Five Oaks Nelliana Ryan Watts Ryan Watts
5OF03227186BB BB o70/s410 Five Oaks Nellpers E 3/29/2022 Active Twin 5OF03196132BB Five Oaks Nelliana Ryan Watts Ryan Watts
5OF04227189BB BB y201/s430 Five Oaks Minzia E 4/1/2022 Active Twin 5OF04196135BB Five Oaks Trinzia Ryan Watts Ryan Watts
5OF04227190BB BB w119/s468 Five Oaks Valkano E 4/10/2022 Active Triplet 5OF04196136BB Five Oaks Valkina Ryan Watts Ryan Watts
5OF04227192BB BB y213/s455 Five Oaks Redvelvet E 4/9/2022 Active Twin 5OF03196139BB Five Oaks Pattycakes Ryan Watts Ryan Watts
5OF04227193BB BB y214/s456 Five Oaks Angelfood E 4/9/2022 Active Twin 5OF03196139BB Five Oaks Pattycakes Ryan Watts Ryan Watts
5OF03227203BB BB o74/s404 Five Oaks Herodella E 3/29/2022 Active Twin 5OF04206356BB Five Oaks Herodite Ryan Watts Ryan Watts
5OF03227208BB BB w111/s412 Five Oaks Wahoo E 3/29/2022 Active Twin 5OF04206362BB Five Oaks Yahoo Ryan Watts Ryan Watts
5OF04227294BB BB s431 Five Oaks Macon R 4/1/2022 Active Twin 5OF04196135BB Five Oaks Trinzia Ryan Watts Ryan Watts
5OF03227295BB BB s411 Five Oaks Freeport R 3/28/2022 Active Twin 5OF04206362BB Five Oaks Yahoo Ryan Watts Ryan Watts
5OF04227412BB BB s464 Five Oaks Marvin R 4/11/2022 Active Triplet 5OF03143610BB Five Oaks Vixen Ryan Watts Ryan Watts
5OF04227413BB BB s451 Five Oaks Melvin R 4/8/2022 Active Triplet 5OF03174987BB Five Oaks Patricia Ryan Watts Ryan Watts
5OF04237593BB BB O258/528 Five Oaks Vixxel E 4/2/2023 Active Triplet 5OF03143610BB Five Oaks Vixen Ryan Watts Ryan Watts
5OF04237594BB BB y32/548 Five Oaks Arienza E 4/6/2023 Active Triplet 5OF03154065BB Five Oaks Ariel Ryan Watts Ryan Watts
5OF03237600BB BB O250/510 Five Oaks Pettie E 3/29/2023 Active Triplet 5OF03174987BB Five Oaks Patricia Ryan Watts Ryan Watts
5OF04237601BB BB o252/553 Five Oaks Valketta E 4/1/2023 Active Triplet 5OF04196136BB Five Oaks Valkina Ryan Watts Patricia Schneiders
5OF04237602BB BB O251/524 Five Oaks Valdetta E 4/1/2023 Active Triplet 5OF04196136BB Five Oaks Valkina Ryan Watts Ryan Watts
5OF04237607BB BB G18/593 Five Oaks Ziama E 4/11/2023 Deceased Twin 5OF04196135BB Five Oaks Trinzia Ryan Watts Patricia Schneiders
5OF04237608BB BB O257/551 Five Oaks Pexo E 4/1/2023 Active Twin 5OF03196139BB Five Oaks Pattycakes Ryan Watts Ryan Watts
5OF04237609BB BB G14/587 Five Oaks Arianna E 4/12/2023 Active Twin 5OF04196141BB Five Oaks Aria Ryan Watts Patricia Schneiders
5OF04237610BB BB Y30/545 Five Oaks Neldina E 4/5/2023 Active Triplet 5OF03196132BB Five Oaks Nelliana Ryan Watts Juan De Paz Pacheco
5OF04237618BB BB G19/594 Five Oaks LaniLani E 4/11/2023 Active Twin 5OF03185391BB Five Oaks Ululani Ryan Watts Ryan Watts
5OF04237619BB BB G20/595 Five Oaks LaniSani E 4/11/2023 Active Twin 5OF03185391BB Five Oaks Ululani Ryan Watts Ryan Watts
5OF04237636BB BB y21/525 Five Oaks Yahoola E 4/1/2023 Active Triplet 5OF04206362BB Five Oaks Yahoo Ryan Watts Ryan Watts
5OF04238017BB BB 546 Five Oaks Maximus R 4/6/2023 Active Quad 5OF03154065BB Five Oaks Ariel Ryan Watts Ryan Watts