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Progeny of LZP04154379BB Lazy Parrot Flynn  
Records 1 - 12 of 12 records found matching your criteria: Sire ID # = 4379
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Links Picture Reg # Breed Farm Tag Name Sex DOB Status Num in Birth Dam Reg # Dam Name Breeder Owner
BBB03164560BB BB CNH 01 Breedlove Maui E 3/2/2016 Active Twin BBB02143485BB Breedlove Emma Eileen Patton Casey and Nikki Huxoll
BBB03164561BB BB CNH 02 Breedlove Orchid E 3/2/2016 Active Twin BBB02143485BB Breedlove Emma Eileen Patton Casey and Nikki Huxoll
ENL08185645BB BB 83 EweNLamb Flyana E 8/9/2018 Active Single BBB02175047BB Breedlove Quintana Karen Batt Alden Stehly
ENL02195837BB BB 94 Ewe N Lamb Fly Quin ram R 2/26/2019 Active Twin BBB02175047BB Breedlove Quintana Karen Batt Dianne Lounsbury
ENL03195838BB BB 22/0022 EwenLamb Cupid E 3/1/2019 Active Single BBB02185319BB Breedlove Sweetheart Karen Batt Alden Stehly
ENL02195881BB BB 90 Ewe N Lamb 90 Flucy E 2/10/2019 Active Twin BBB03164577BB Breedlove Lucy Karen Batt Karen Batt
ENL02195882BB BB 87 Ewe N Lamb 87 Flucy E 2/10/2019 Active Twin BBB03164577BB Breedlove Lucy Karen Batt Gabriel Vazquez
ENL02195883BB BB 88 Ewe N Lamb 88 Fly Phil E 2/12/2019 Active Single BBB03174975BB Breedlove Philomena Karen Batt Karen Batt
ENL04196096BB BB 0096 Ewe N Lamb 96 Flying R 4/8/2019 Active Twin BBB04154367BB Breedlove Ingrid Karen Batt Gabriel Vazquez
ENL02206097BB BB 0097 Ewe N Lamb 97 Flyquin E 2/10/2020 Active Twin BBB02175047BB Breedlove Quintana Karen Batt Karen Batt
ENL02206174BB BB 98 Ewe N Lamb 98 Flynn Rose E 2/8/2020 Active Twin BBB07174979BB Breedlove Rosemary Karen Batt Ben and Mary Sanford
ENL02206175BB BB 99 Ewe N Lamb 99 Flynn Philo E 2/10/2020 Active Twin BBB03174975BB Breedlove Philomena Karen Batt Ben and Mary Sanford