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Progeny of SPR04185761BB Springwood Elfin  
Records 1 - 9 of 9 records found matching your criteria: Dam ID # = 5761
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Links Picture Reg # Breed Farm Tag Name Sex DOB Status Num in Birth Sire Reg # Sire Name Breeder Owner
KAS04206309BB BB 2052 / 0269 Knoll Acres Elmer R 4/16/2020 Active Twin BWF07133387BB Bellwether Winston Roman J Miller Charles Barton
KAS04206310BB BB 2053 / 0270 Knoll Acres Edwin R 4/16/2020 Active Twin BWF07133387BB Bellwether Winston Roman J Miller Joseph Swimeley
KAS03216776BB BB 2153 / 244 Knoll Acres Evert R 3/3/2021 Active Twin BWF07133387BB Bellwether Winston Roman J Miller Roman J Miller
KAS03216777BB BB 2154 / 245 Knoll Acres Elwin R 3/3/2021 Active Twin BWF07133387BB Bellwether Winston Roman J Miller Roman J Miller
KAS03227258BB BB 2207 / 0290 Knoll Acres Eva E 3/31/2022 Active Triplet BWF07133387BB Bellwether Winston Roman J Miller Roman J Miller
KAS03227264BB BB 2259 / 0291 Knoll Acres Evan R 3/31/2022 Active Triplet BWF07133387BB Bellwether Winston Roman J Miller Amy Grady
KAS03237669BB BB 2306 / 0296 Knoll Acres Enzo R 3/17/2023 Active Triplet BWF07133387BB Bellwether Winston Roman J Miller Roman J Miller
KAS03237670BB BB 2307 / 0297 Knoll Acres Ean R 3/17/2023 Active Triplet SPR04185762BB Springwood Ebb Roman J Miller Roman J Miller
KAS03237671BB BB 2308 / 0298 Knoll Acres Ellis R 3/17/2023 Active Triplet BWF07133387BB Bellwether Winston Roman J Miller Bridget C and Guy Buzzoni