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Progeny of SPR05185778BB Springwood Forest  
Records 1 - 8 of 8 records found matching your criteria: Sire ID # = 5778
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Links Picture Reg # Breed Farm Tag Name Sex DOB Status Num in Birth Dam Reg # Dam Name Breeder Owner
SPR04206279BB BB 1080 Springwood Ikea E 4/6/2020 Sold Triplet SPR11185955BB Springwood Finikia Will Hueston and Pam Hand Will Hueston and Pam Hand
SPR04206940BB BB 2 Springwood Althea E 4/9/2020 Active Triplet SPR04143992BB Springwood Abilene Will Hueston and Pam Hand Brian Guyton
SPR04206282BB BB 1081 Springwood Terra E 4/13/2020 Sold Triplet SSF03154148BB Sunny Slope Solar Will Hueston and Pam Hand Will Hueston and Pam Hand
SPR04206283BB BB 1082 Springwood Keats E 4/14/2020 Active Twin SPR04154043BB Springwood Browser Will Hueston and Pam Hand Diane Naughton
SVF07217547BB BB 169 SVF Summer Hills For Harmony E 7/30/2021 Active Twin SSF05165585BB Sunny Slope Hazel SVF Gregory and Sandra Hession
SVF07217548BB BB 564 SVF Summer Hills for Lincoln R 7/30/2021 Active Twin SSF05165585BB Sunny Slope Hazel SVF Gregory and Sandra Hession
SVF08216934BB BB BCF095 SVF Bush Creek Clara Abilene E 8/4/2021 Active Twin SPR03195960BB Springwood Grinnell SVF Remi Pierre Asindraza
SVF08216935BB BB BCF096 SVF Bush Creek Railmaster R 8/4/2021 Active Twin SPR03195960BB Springwood Grinnell SVF Rita Guill