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Progeny of LAN02195785BB Lone Star Checkmate  
Records 1 - 19 of 19 records found matching your criteria: Sire ID # = 5785
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Links Picture Reg # Breed Farm Tag Name Sex DOB Status Num in Birth Dam Reg # Dam Name Breeder Owner
SPR09206552BB BB 1087 Springwood Kiwi E 9/14/2020 Sold Twin SPR04175099BB Springwood Derby Pie Will Hueston and Pam Hand Will Hueston and Pam Hand
SPR09206554BB BB 1089 Springwood Kalla E 9/19/2020 Active Triplet SPR04175092BB Springwood Duluth Will Hueston and Pam Hand Will Hueston and Pam Hand
SPR09206561BB BB 5101 Springwood Joplin R 9/15/2020 Active Single SPR04185769BB Springwood FarrowMia Will Hueston and Pam Hand Will Hueston and Pam Hand
SPR09206563BB BB 5104 Springwood Jiminy Cricket R 9/24/2020 Deceased Twin SPR04175097BB Springwood Dory Will Hueston and Pam Hand Will Hueston and Pam Hand
SPR09206551BB BB 1086 Springwood Jam E 9/14/2020 Active Twin SPR04175099BB Springwood Derby Pie Will Hueston and Pam Hand Constance Katzenbach
SPR09206553BB BB 1088 Springwood Isle E 9/19/2020 Active Triplet SPR04175092BB Springwood Duluth Will Hueston and Pam Hand Constance Katzenbach
SPR09206532BB BB 93 / 1093 Springwood Kanga E 9/24/2020 Active Twin SPR04175097BB Springwood Dory Will Hueston and Pam Hand Thomas Maschler
PPP04238173BB BB 0009 Prickly Pear Neil Armstrong R 4/23/2023 Active Quad PPP02206460BB Prickly Pear Lunar Philip Quebe Philip Quebe
PPP04227397BB BB 0021 Prickly Pear Clementine E 4/20/2022 Sold Twin PPP09206983BB Prickly Pear Fern Philip Quebe Philip Quebe
PPP04227396BB BB 0012 Prickly Pear Huckleberry R 4/20/2022 Sold Twin PPP09206983BB Prickly Pear Fern Philip Quebe Philip Quebe
PPP04227395BB BB 0004 Prickly Pear Benedict R 4/23/2022 Sold Twin SPR03164757BB Springwood Chuckle Philip Quebe Philip Quebe
PPP04227394BB BB 0003 Prickly Pear Claudio R 4/23/2022 Sold Twin SPR03164757BB Springwood Chuckle Philip Quebe Philip Quebe
PPP08217276BB BB 0015 Prickly Pear Zinnia E 8/25/2021 Sold Single PPP05195978BB Prickly Pear Daffodil Philip Quebe Philip Quebe
PPP09217275BB BB 0017 Prickly Pear Cassiopeia E 9/1/2021 Sold Twin PPP02206459BB Prickly Pear Solar Philip Quebe Philip Quebe
PPP09217274BB BB 0013 Prickly Pear Selene E 9/2/2021 Sold Twin PPP02206460BB Prickly Pear Lunar Philip Quebe Philip Quebe
PPP09217273BB BB 0011 Prickly Pear Artemis E 9/2/2021 Sold Twin PPP02206460BB Prickly Pear Lunar Philip Quebe Philip Quebe
SPR09206430BB BB 1085/561 Springwood Icon E 9/11/2020 Active Single SPR04195965BB Springwood Haley Will Hueston and Pam Hand Jorge Ramirez
PPP10227496BB BB 0022 Prickly Pear Constance E 10/1/2022 Active Single SPR11185840BB Prickly Pear Calpurnia Philip Quebe Eric Rossmanith
PPP05238091BB BB SCF01 Prickly Pear Carmel E 5/7/2023 Active Twin PPP05195978BB Prickly Pear Daffodil Philip Quebe Eric Rossmanith