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Progeny of CJE04081371BB Critterhaven Worrisome  
Records 1 - 5 of 5 records found matching your criteria: Dam ID # = 1371
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Links Picture Reg # Breed Farm Tag Name Sex DOB Status Num in Birth Sire Reg # Sire Name Breeder Owner
PZF04112413BB BB 20 Blue Coop Farm Willow E 4/10/2011 Active Unknown HAM11091842BB Lazy Lamb Abraham Mary Pauzauskie Mary Pauzauskie
PZF04112414BB BB 24 Blue Coop Farm Wisteria E 4/10/2011 Active Unknown HAM11091842BB Lazy Lamb Abraham Mary Pauzauskie Mary Pauzauskie
HAM06091780BB BB TX23773-112 Lazy Lamb Sage E 6/1/2009 Deceased Single JEH0404793BB Saint Michael VSU 4737 JoAnne A. Hamsher Ivania and Patrick Kahn
HAM01101916BB BB TX23773-156 Lazy Lamb Watson R 1/4/2010 Active Twin CJE08061109P Critterhaven Zeal JoAnne A. Hamsher JoAnne A. Hamsher
HAM01101915BB BB TX23773-155 Lazy Lamb Wilma E 1/4/2010 Active Twin CJE08061109P Critterhaven Zeal JoAnne A. Hamsher Maggie G. Culver