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Progeny of BWF02091663BB Bellwether Lily  
Records 1 - 13 of 13 records found matching your criteria: Dam ID # = 1663
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Links Picture Reg # Breed Farm Tag Name Sex DOB Status Num in Birth Sire Reg # Sire Name Breeder Owner
KAS04185615BB BB 1804 / 0326 Knoll Acres Larissa E 4/29/2018 Active Single KAS03164700BBx Knoll Acres Ivan Roman J Miller Summer Yount
KAS04175152BB BB 1753 / 0309 Knoll Acres Leon R 4/2/2017 Active Twin BWF07133387BB Bellwether Winston Roman J Miller Roman J Miller
KAS04175151BB BB 1752 / 0308 Knoll Acres Lester R 4/2/2017 Active Twin BWF07133387BB Bellwether Winston Roman J Miller Roman J Miller
KAS05164711BB BB 1612/ 0237 Knoll Acres Laura E 5/6/2016 Active Twin BWF03091727BB Bellwether Leonardo Roman J Miller Madalyn Harvey
KAS05164706BB BB 1611/ 0236 Knoll Acres Lon R 5/6/2016 Active Twin BWF03091727BB Bellwether Leonardo Roman J Miller Nancy Kautz
KAS05154229BB BB 265 / 0146 Knoll Acres Lucas R 5/9/2015 Active Twin BWF03091727BB Bellwether Leonardo Roman J Miller Roman J Miller
KAS05154174BB BB 266 / 0147 Knoll Acres Lucy E 5/9/2015 Active Twin BWF03091727BB Bellwether Leonardo Roman J Miller Luke Smith
KAS05143672BB BB 260 / 0202 Knoll Acres Timpkin R 5/10/2014 Active Single BWF03091727BB Bellwether Leonardo Roman J Miller Roman J Miller
KAS05133394BB BB 73/209 Knoll Acres Danielle E 5/15/2013 Active Twin BWF03091727BB Bellwether Leonardo Roman J Miller Jorge Vila
KAS01122687BB BB 71 / 0197 Knoll Acres Joy E 1/29/2012 Active Unknown BWF03091727BB Bellwether Leonardo Roman J Miller Reuben and Debra Smith
KAS01122686BB BB 66 / 0120 Knoll Acres Wilbur R 1/29/2012 Deceased Unknown BWF03091727BB Bellwether Leonardo Roman J Miller Will Hueston and Pam Hand
KAS02112367BB BB 58 / 0108 Knoll Acres Dandy E 2/12/2011 Active Unknown BWF03091727BB Bellwether Leonardo Roman J Miller Roman J Miller
KAS02112366BB BB 59 / 0107 Knoll Acres Candy E 2/12/2011 Active Unknown BWF03091727BB Bellwether Leonardo Roman J Miller Roman J Miller