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Progeny of BXH04206455AB Bodark Hollow Laura  
Records 1 - 3 of 3 records found matching your criteria: Dam ID # = 6455
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Links Picture Reg # Breed Farm Tag Name Sex DOB Status Num in Birth Sire Reg # Sire Name Breeder Owner
DPF04227271AB AB OK006925 1102 Devine Pickins Snootie E 4/25/2022 Active Twin SE105216845AB Sierra-Echo Able Amos Holly and Donald Devine Holly and Donald Devine
DPF02237829AB AB 1108 Devine Pickins Valentino R 2/20/2023 Active Twin T5F03227292AB Stomp & Steer Abram Holly and Donald Devine Jeffrey and Lorraine Penner
DPF02237859AB AB 1109/OK006925 Devine Pickins Valentine E 2/20/2023 Active Twin T5F03227292AB Stomp & Steer Abram Holly and Donald Devine Holly and Donald Devine