The BBSAI plans to create videos that show how to perform many of the routine tasks involved in raising blackbelly sheep. Until resources (equipment, technician, and expertise) become available, we think the next best thing is to provide links to other Web sites where you can view similar videos. The videos will not have blackbelly sheep in them (and often will use goats), but the information is generally applicable to blackbelly sheep.
How to Apply an Ear Tag (
Regardless of what brand of tag you use, this video helps identify where and how to apply a tag.
Bottle Feeding a Goat Kid (
Veterinarian shows how to bottle feed a goat kid.
Castrating a Lamb (
Veterinarian shows how to castrate a lamb using an elastrator band.
How to Splint a Lamb’s Broken Leg (Pipestone Vet
Veterinarian shows how to splint a lamb’s leg using vet wrap and tongue depressors.
Tubing a Lamb (Pipestone Vet
Veterinarian shows how easy it is to tube a lamb.
Using a Stanchion on a Ewe Who Rejected a Lamb (Pipestone Vet
It is easy to build a stanchion that can help restrain a ewe to enable her lamb to nurse and eventually be accepted.
Correcting a Lamb’s Position During Birth (
Veterinarian shows how to correct the position of a lamb during birth.
Giving an Injection to a Lamb (
Veterinarian shows how to give a subcutaneous injection to a lamb.
Milking a Doe with Udder Problems (
Veterinarian shows the technique for milking a doe with udder problems.
Tube Feeding a Goat Kid (
Veterinarian shows how to tube feed a goat kid.
Trimming Sheep Hooves (
Informal video showing how to trim a sheep’s hooves.
Setting up an Electric Net Fence (
Netting is, without question, the most effective and user-friendly temporary electric fence design ever made. In this video, the experts at Premier will show you how easy ElectroNet is to install.
Lamb Cooking School (American Lamb Board)
How to stuff and roast a boneless leg of lamb.
Butcher Tips (American Lamb Board)
Chef Tips (American Lamb Board)
These webinars are presented by Susan Shoenian, creator of the Maryland Small Ruminant Page ( Each webinar lasts for about an hour. You’ll be able to hear the sound and see the accompanying slide presentation via your internet connection. The PowerPoint slides are available for download but you don’t need them for the Webinar.
Nutrition & Feeding Short Course
# | Topic | Date | Presentation Links | |
I. | Digestive physiology Susan Schoenian |
1/12/12 | Webinar | PowerPoint |
II. | Nutrients Susan Schoenian |
1/19/12 | Webinar | PowerPoint |
III. | Feedstuffs Jeff Semler |
1/26/12 | Webinar | PowerPoint |
IV. | Nutritional management Susan Schoenian |
2/2/12 | Webinar | PowerPoint |
V. | Ration balancing Willie Lantz |
2/9/12 | Webinar | PowerPoint |
VI. | Nutritional disorders Susan Schoenian |
2/16/12 | Webinar | PowerPoint |
Spring Worm Webinar Series
# | Topic | Date | Presentation Links | |
I. | Parasite biology | 5/5/11 | Webinar | PowerPoint |
II. | Management | 5/12/11 | Webinar | PowerPoint |
III. | Diagnostic tools | 5/19/11 | Webinar | PowerPoint |
IV. | Anthelmintics | 5/26/11 | Webinar | PowerPoint |
Ewe and Doe Management Series
# | Topic | Date | Presentation Links | |
I. | Late Gestation | 1/13/11 | Webinar | PowerPoint |
II. | Vaccinations | 1/20/11 | Webinar | PowerPoint |
III. | Parturition | 2/3/11 | Webinar | PowerPoint |
IV. | Neonatal Care | 2/10/11 | Webinar | PowerPoint |
V. | Lactation | 2/17/11 | Webinar | PowerPoint |
VI. | Weaning | 2/23/11 | Webinar | PowerPoint |
Lamb Watch Class
Topic | Date | Duration | Presentation Links | |
Nutrition of the ewe and her lambs | 2/15/11 | 0:48:22 | Webinar | PowerPoint |
Marketing products from sheep | 4/19/11 | 0:48:22 | Webinar | PowerPoint |
Sheep and goats: a weapon against weeds
Topic | Date | Duration | Presentation Links | |
Controlling invasive plants with grazing | 7/22/10 | 1:19:50 | Webinar | PowerPoint |
The following webinars are presented by the Ohio State University Extension:
- Lambing and Kidding Management and Newborn Health Issues by Dr. Bill Shulaw, OSU (forthcoming)
- Internal Parasites Chemical Resistance and Life Cycle by Jeff McCutcheon, OSU Extension Educator
- Sheep and Goat Internal Parasite Management by Rory Lewandowski, OSU Extension Educator
- Udder Health and Mastitis by Dr. Leo Timms, Iowa State University
- Recognizing, Treating, and Preventing Major Diseases of Sheep and Goats by Dr. Eric Gordon, OSU
- Artificial Insemination Techniques of Sheep and Goats by Meghan Wulster-Radcliffe, DVM, chief executive officer of the American Society of Animal Sciences
- Drought Recovery of Pastures and Hay Fields by Rory Lewandowski and Jeff McCutcheon, Ohio extension educators
Basic Parasite Biology and Control Concepts
Presenter – Dr. Bill Shulaw
Topics covered in this session include:
- life cycle description focusing on H. contortus
- why/how dewormer resistance develops
- concept of refugia and selective treatment; the FAMACHA System
- complementary strategies:
- plants with antiparasitic properties
- use of “clean” pastures
- dry lot rearing of lambs
Parasite Management: Lessons Learned and Farmer Applications
Presenters – Curt Cline & Rory Lewandowski
Topics covered in this session include:
- use of annuals or alfalfa for lambs or lambs and ewes in spring
- strip grazing with a back fence
- chicory and BMR use
- selective deworming of thin, triplet-bearing, and twin-bearing ewes to reduce pasture contamination
Management Tools and Techniques
Presenter – Dr. Bill Shulaw
Topics covered in this session include:
- Using the FAMACHA system (when to start, frequency, using in large flocks, using as an animal selection tool, keeping records)
- What do fecal egg counts tell us?
- How to detect dewormer resistance
- Worm egg count reduction testing
- DrenchRite Assay